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Kate Herrick

Contributing Writer

Kate is a seasoned writer and is enthusiastic about helping families stay safe. She is expert on researching and writing about child safety, personal safety, and online security in the home, as well as home automation products that make life a little better.

Kate Herrick

Kate's most recent posts

Like other home automation systems, the HomeSeer system revolves around a central controller (or hub)...
Do you know how to make sure your kids are safe while using personal devices?...
A first aid kit is an important tool to help you respond to both everyday...
Before my first child was born, I naively thought that all cribs were essentially the...
Sonos has long been a player in the wireless-speaker market, but the latest version of...
For anyone who has ever wanted to take really cool 360° videos and photos, the...
A good camera is key to a solid home security system, and an outdoor camera...