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Home Security

Home is where the heart—and family heirlooms, devices with your sensitive info, and the ones you love most—is. We’ve spent thousands of hours researching, testing, and compiling reviews and comparison articles so you can secure it all.

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Home Security Stats & Facts: What You Need To Know To Stay Safe By David DeMille...
Window sensors, much like door sensors, work using a reed switch and a magnet. The...
Nope. The IRS specifically lists home security systems as a nondeductible expense. However, if you...
Monitored security systems send alerts to a central monitoring station. If something goes wrong, someone...
Active motion sensors send out a signal. Then if someone moves within range of that...
There are two types of glass break detectors, both of which offer different advantages and...
Looking to see how easy the Protect America self install process is? Well here is...