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Kate Herrick

Contributing Writer

Kate is a seasoned writer and is enthusiastic about helping families stay safe. She is expert on researching and writing about child safety, personal safety, and online security in the home, as well as home automation products that make life a little better.

Kate Herrick

Kate's most recent posts

The Nest Learning Thermostat is one of the top-rated, positively reviewed, and most recommended Wi-Fi...
Whether you are a frequent flier or you only travel periodically, you know that there...
We have a series of articles about life insurance to guide you through the basics,...
A lot of security equipment is compatible with multiple monitoring companies, so it’s likely that...
Home Do Security Systems Really Work? By Kate Herrick Researcher & Writer See all articles...
Can you take home security equipment with you when you move? If you have a...
When it comes to securing your valuable possessions, how much thought do you give to...